When you come across this error "LDAP Error: Connect error: TLS error -8054:You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer" enrolling a client to FreeIPA/IDM server, it means that the existing certificate does not match the one...
Red Hat IDM
IPA user-add multiple users via script
When adding multiple users in IDM/freeIPA its a pain inputting each user and its time consuming. This script/one liner allows you to enter multiple users at one go and it includes non-interactively specifying a password. The following...
One liner command to retrieve list of active users – IPA/Red Hat IDM
It's possible to get a list of users of active users in IDM/IPA with formatted date and time by running this one liner command. It gets you the list of users with last successsful authentications to IDM/IPA server. Very handy command when...
Automate kinit (Kerberos Ticket) during SSH login
It is possible to automatically get a Kerberos Ticket (kinit) generated everytime you login via SSH to a host by editing ".bash_profile". This also applies to a scenario wherin you are using Red Hat IDM/IPA and want to automate "kinit"...
How to fix SSH dropping after a password change
When using IPA for managing user authentication you can come across this issue of SSH dropping just after a password change. It can be resolved by changing options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. You need to be ROOT to make this change and...
Change SUDO LDAP Password
There might be a need to Change SUDO LDAP password whilst managing the SUDO rights centrally through IDM. In this scenario it would be the 1st time you are configuring the SUDO rights. Follow the steps outlined to change the password for...