This article will guide you on installing latest version of Ansible on a Debian 9/10 host. For this article I will be installing Ansible version 2.11.12 on a RaspberryPi 4 running on Debian 10 release. Firstly start off by updating the...

This article will guide you on installing latest version of Ansible on a Debian 9/10 host. For this article I will be installing Ansible version 2.11.12 on a RaspberryPi 4 running on Debian 10 release. Firstly start off by updating the...
This article shows you how to install Nginx version 1.23 (at the time of writing this article) on a RaspberryPi running Debian 10 (Buster). This scenario might arise as Debian 10 comes pre-packaged with version 1.14 and if you want to...
Its now possible to install the latest version of Nagios NRPE v 3.0.1 (source install) on RaspberryPi (incl. Pixel OS). Just follow this simple article and you will be up and running with NRPE on Nagios clients as well as on the Nagios...
In Raspberry Pi from version Jessie onwards the "root" login for SSH sessions (via Putty Login) has been disabled by default. It can be enabled by just editing "sshd_config" file and then restarting "ssh" service. To start with login to...
If you are getting this error while installing Nagios Core on RaspberryPi run these commands to resolve the error and get Nagios up and running in no time. These commands wil need to be run as ROOT. You need to restart the nagios service...
Its now possible to install latest Nagios CORE version on Raspbian by following the steps in this article. Before writing this article I Googled for the same but couldn't find a single article covering install of latest version of Nagios...
Wake-On-LAN (WOL) is a very useful feature if you have got a LAB at home and want to make it energy efficient. I have written a small BASH script to automate the Wake-On-LAN (WOL) procedure which can be used in an instance where there is...
It’s possible to enable DNS forwarding using BIND and including reverse lookup for the zone. Once you are done with the config of a basic bind server, all you need to do is configure "/etc/bind/named.conf.options and conf.local"...
If you are finding it difficult to recognize files and folders in RaspberryPi DebianWheezy dist OS, you can enable Ls COLORS to make them more recognizable. All you need to do is edit /.bashrc and logout and login back to enable it. Login...
If you can't spend thousands for a static IP, Try out this script which sends out an email alert whenever Public IP address changes. In a situation where you need a VPN solution without spending thousands on a static IP no matter if you...
SSMTP is a email service for Raspbian and is used for sending out emails internally in a network and externally.Its a very simple install and will get you up and running in no time. This process would need a Root account and make sure you...
This article will show you how to Setup and configure DNS Server on Raspbian. Its called as Bind9 on RasberryPi and is used for resolving IP address to domain name and vice-versa. Make sure that you are logged in as ROOT user and update...
Its now possible to install latest Nagios CORE version on Raspbian by following the steps in this article. Before writing this article I Googled for the same but couldn't find a single article covering install of latest version of Nagios...