
Generate/sign CSR with subject Alternative Name (SAN) – CentOS7/RHEL7

Setup MariaDB on CentOS7/RHEL7

This article will guide through installing MariaDB server and its configuration on CentOS7/RHEL7. The assumption for this article is that you are using a clean build of CentOS7. Let's start with setting up the repo for MariaDB. Go ahead...

Generate/sign CSR with subject Alternative Name (SAN) – CentOS7/RHEL7

Dual Instance of SSH – CentOS and RHEL

This guide is for configuring dual instances of ssh on a single server and bind them to seprate NIC's/Interfaces/Ethernet ports. Usually this is required in DEV and Prod environments wherein you need additional security and separation of...

Generate/sign CSR with subject Alternative Name (SAN) – CentOS7/RHEL7

How to Telnet via BASH Script

This article will show you how to Telnet via BASH script and return the status as open or close. This has been tested on CentOS/RedHat and hopefully should work on all other Linux distributions as well. Create a file

How to Show Line Numbers in Vi / Vim editor

How to Show Line Numbers in Vi / Vim editor

Showing Line numbers in Vi /Vim Text editor would be very helpful when it comes to troubleshooting code errors in a file. This works on almost all Linux/UNIX distributions. Once you are in the edit file mode, Type while in edit mode ":set...