Setup ssmtp in Raspbian – RasberryPi

Setup ssmtp in Raspbian – RasberryPi

SSMTP is a email service for Raspbian and is used for sending out emails internally in a network and externally.Its a very simple install and will get you up and running in no time. This process would need a Root account and make sure you update Raspbian to the latest...
Setup ssmtp in Raspbian – RasberryPi

Setup DNS Server in Raspbian -RasberryPi

This article will show you how to Setup and configure DNS Server on Raspbian. Its called as Bind9 on RasberryPi and is used for resolving IP address to domain name and vice-versa. Make sure that you are logged in as ROOT user and update the OS to the latest. For...
Setup DHCP Server in Linux

Setup DHCP Server in Linux

Its easy to setup DHCP server in Linux with full control over the IP’s and what IP’s are assigned to client hosts. We would be using DHCP package via YUM for this setup. DHCP is used for dynamic assinging of IP addresses for the clients in a network. First...
Setup DHCP Server in Linux

Setup and Configure DNS Server in Linux

This guide will help you in setting up a DNS server for resolving IP address to domain names and vice-versa. We will be using “named (bind)” as its the DNS version for Linux. First we need to install named Packages.   # yum -y install bind*...
Setup DHCP Server in Linux

Install Postfix (email server) in Linux

This article shows you how to install and configure a simple mail server called Postfix. It can be used to send emails or act as a email relay server for internal network wherein only one Server is allowed access to Internet and then all clients hosts will redirect...